Sunday, February 27, 2011

Enterprise Architectures

5.1 Explain the three components of an enterprise architecture.
An enterprise architecture consists of information architecture, infrastructure architecture and application architecture. Information architecture manages where and how crucial information is maintained and secured. Infrastructure architecture deals with the equipment such as software, hardware and telecommunications that support the overall organizational goal. Application architecture interprets how applications relate to each other.

5.2 Describe how an organization can implement solid information architecture.
Solid information architecture should focus on backup and recovery, disaster recovery and information security. Information security is also a very key component to manage in dealing with information architecture. Managing user access as well as protecting with up-to-date antivirus software and patches. Having and utilizing the correct tools necessary to information architecture will make it solid.

5.3 List and describe the five-ileitis in infrastructure architecture.
In infrastructure architecture the solid characteristics include flexibility, scalability, reliability, availability, and performance. Flexibility is the process that can adapt to business changes. Scalability can determine how well a system can respond to in increased demand. Reliability is the accuracy and efficiency due to IT metrics. Availability includes how accessible the website or project is and how often. Performance focuses on speed of performance to complete a certain task.

5.4 Compare web services and open systems.
Web services include a collection of data and resources that involve protocols in order to transfer data. These services include all technology necessary to convey and process information received from the internet. Open systems include the software and hardware that obey average procedures the products operate by, making these easier to incorporate.

Ethics and Information Security

4.1 Explain the ethical issues surrounding information technology.
Information technology and its advancements can stir up issues such as violating copyright as well as property rights.  The right to privacy and confidentiality are two main issues that are related to ethics. This is all based around topics of trust. It is a matter of online information remains exclusive to authorized access. It reflects ethics of the company and avoids any customer violations.

4.2 Identify the differences between an ethical computer use policy and an acceptable use policy.
Ethical computer use policy ensures that user behaviors are conducted in a matter that complies with the general guidelines fit to user policy. This controls user behavior limiting their access to distractions. Acceptable use policy is the agreement in order to receive access to the internet or network.

4.3 Describe the relationship between an email privacy policy and an Internet use policy.
Email privacy policy is the measure of privacy of email messages to outsiders. It is up to the organization of the email system to determine the privacy level. Email is not completely private. Internet use policy regulates appropriate use of the internet. This regulates offensive resources found on the internet.

4.4 Explain the effects of spam on an organization.
Spam affects the email of all levels of an organization. It backs up email systems and distracts IT resources from important business processes.  Spam is used as business communication that can be deceived as unimportant to receivers.

4.5 Summarize the different monitoring technologies and explain the importance of an employee monitoring policy.
Employee access to internet services can interfere with the work expected to be completed. There are many ways to monitor employee activity. Key logger records every keystroke and click of the mouse by the user. Hardware key logger is the device that interprets keystrokes from the keyboard to the motherboard. Cookies allow websites to access customer activity from a small file.  Spyware tracks online activity, regulates the information on the computer and uses the CPU to complete tasks unknown to the user. One set of information stored on a web server is a web log for every visitor to a website. Clickstream records information such as which websites were visited, how long, what was purchased and what ads were displayed on the website. Other forms of monitoring employees are through monitoring policies. These are important to businesses by informing workers of proper behavior. Monitoring policies organize when, how, and where the company monitors employees.


3.1 Compare disruptive and sustaining technologies.
Disruptive technology destroys old markets by creating new markets and innovating how things are done that does not meet customer needs.
Sustaining technology improves highly anticipated products. Current companies do not dominate in disruptive technology markets but lead in sustaining technology markets.
3.2 Explain how the Internet caused disruption among businesses.
The internet has caused disruption among business by the distraction is has caused. It is difficult to access and operate. The internet only keeps growing and growing making it such a focal point to business processes.

3.3 Define the relationship between the Internet and the World Wide Web.
Initially, the internet was used by the Department of Defense for commerical matters such as email and transferring files. Other users of the internet include government officials, researchers, and the instructors and students of the universities. The World Wide Web uses the internet to transfer information. The internet is the connection between all computers.

3.4 Describe the different methods an organization can use to access information.
The four common methods organizations can use to access information include an intranet, an extranet, a portal or a kiosk. An intranet provides access to information and software for employee access protected from outside access.  That is the internal part of the internet. An extranet allows people outside the company to access information and software. Another method to access information can be from a portal or a website that that provides a variety of services such as email, search engines, online discussion groups as well as online shopping malls. An interactive approach to access information that is located publicly is a kiosk that is simple and quick.  

3.5 Compare the three different types of service providers.
Three common service providers include internet service provider, online service provider and application server provider. An internet service provider (ISP) is where companies access the internet and other services. An alternative to connecting through an ISP is through an online service provider that can provide services such as an alternative web browser.  An application service provider allows companies access to content located in personal or organizational computers.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

VBA.1 Explain how VBA can be used in business for making decisons.
Visual basics for applications can be used in business for making decisions by it's aid in organizing and ease of performing repetitive tasks. Decision making will be made easier to modify and edit worksheets.

VBA.2 Define and explain the diference between a subroutine and a function.
A subroutine is a macro you can write any code in between.
A function is what produces the solution.

VBA.3 Record a simple Macro.
1. Go to Start>Programs>Microsoft office>Microsoft Excel to open the application. Then, go to Start>New to open a new spreadsheet.  Go to Tools>Macro>Security, and a pop up window named “Security” will appear. Select the Medium option under the Security Level tab and click OK to continue.Go to Tools>Macro>Record New Macro.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Week 3- Strategic Decision Making

2.1. Explain the difference between transactional information and analytical information. Be sure to provide an example of each.
Transactional information primarily focuses on daily operational tasks. It is specific to information in single business units of work. An example of this would be making an airline reservation. Analytical information includes transactional information but also all organizational information while focusing on managerial analysis tasks. An example of analytical information includes trends and future growth projections.

2.2. Define TPS, DSS, and EIS and explain how an organization can use these systems to make decisions and gain competitive advantages.
TPS is defined as a transaction processing system that functions at the operational level in an organization. A payroll system or other forms of operational accounting system is an example of this. Decision support systems (DSS) aids managers and other business professionals by modeling information through sensitivity analysis, what-if analysis and goal seeking analysis.  Senior level executives have a specialized decision support system known as executive information system. Executive information systems directly impact business performance by allowing executives to approach a daily strategy of solving problems.

2.3. Describe the three quantitative models typically used by decision support systems.
Three quantitative models typically used by decision support systems include sensitivity analysis, what-if analysis and goal-seeking analysis.  Sensitivity analysis focuses its study on the models. This model analyzes the impacts of the change in one part on the model on another. What-if analysis focuses on all possible outcomes due to any possible future change in a variety of situations. The model that sets a goal and modifies variables until that goal is achieved is the goal-seeking analysis. It determines the necessary inputs in order to achieve the desired outputs.

2.4. Describe the relationship between digital dashboards and executive information systems.
Executive information systems use data from all sources within an organization. Digital dashboards use multiple sources of data in order to alter the information to compliment individual preferences. Both systems use the information in order to enhance the efficiency and the performance of executives by providing them with accurate information.

2.5. Identify the four types of artificial intelligence systems.
The four types of artificial intelligence systems include expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms and intelligent agents.  The first artificial intelligent systems, expert systems, are used as an alternative to human experts when they are difficult or rare to find. Expert systems imitate the expertise of humans that provide specific advice. Neural networks imitate the responses and functions of the human brain. This system analyzes patterns and images when logic and rules are absent.  The system that generates better solutions by the survival-of-the-fittest process is a genetic algorithm. This system gives the best outputs by identifying the best possible inputs. It is most effective in a system that has an infinite about of solutions possible. The final artificial intelligence system is intelligent agents. Intelligent agents accomplish tasks based on user intentions.